About us
our Minister:

Rev Kirsty McGhee
Welcome to our website! I hope you find it useful to find out all that is going on in the life of the Church and community. We are a Church that is passionate to serve God and the local community and we do this in a variety of ways through the Larder, youth work, Senior Get together among other activities. I hope you will also find a warm welcome here. If we can help you with anything at all, please get in touch.
Our Mission Statement is: Working together to show God’s love in action.
We aim to:
Offer a variety of worship which opens all to God’s transforming Spirit
Encourage deeper exploration of our faith through engaging in a rhythm of mission as part of our culture of outreach.
Create and sustain a Church family which is rooted deeply in the love of God
Live out our Christian faith in word and action through partnering with our local community and beyond
Work with others worldwide for justice, peace and reconciliation