Tonbridge Methodist Church Notices
2nd March 2025
Upcoming Services
Sunday 9th March
10.30am service led by Peter Hungerford-Welch
World Day of Prayer Service, Friday 7th March at 10.30am
St Peter and St Paul Church, Tonbridge
Service prepared by Christian women from the Cook Islands.
Representatives from most of the churches in Tonbridge are taking part in this moving service which is open to everyone. Refreshments will be served after the service. Car-sharing and arriving early is advised as parking can be a problem. If you would like to be part of the choir, please come to the rehearsal at 9.30am
Spring Fair for our Uganda Projects - Saturday 3rd May 10am to 12 noon
We are planning for our Spring Fair again! Many friends have said they are willing to help but more volunteers are needed. Here are items that are needed:
Cakes for the cake stall
Nearer the time, Lynne Taylor and Carol Redfern will be very grateful for donations of cakes bought or home-made.
Please put in some seeds to raise plants for our Garden Stall. This is the stall at the Higham Lane side of the church that, together with the "pre-loved stall", attracts attention from passers-by! Cuttings and split plants from your garden, all potted up, are also acceptable. Hugh is looking to build on his success of last year and would welcome your support.
Jane and John have agreed to run the popular tombola. They will be grateful to receive donated items - bottles, boxes and bags e.g. food like chutney and cheese biscuits, fruits in bags like soft figs, dates, apricots etc go down well, as do bottles of juices and soft drinks and toiletries.
Margaret Pool has sufficient items of jewellery for her stall but Val Wilkinson would appreciate some donations of toiletries and unused gifts for her Fancy Goods stall.
Please book the date in your diaries. We had a successful Fair last year with lots of visitors and all the Uganda Projects are needing our support in these difficult times.
Daphne and Roi
TMC Community Wednesdays
- FEAST Fresh Larder. Guests pre-book a slot between 10.30am and 12.30pm via www.feast.org.uk
- Cafe during the larder time open to all, offering drinks and cakes/biscuits.
- Lunch from 12pm. Freshly cooked and plenty for everyone! Please come along, everyone welcome.
- Toast 3.30pm to 5pm. Games, craft and plenty of toast. Primary and pre-school children welcome (term-time only)
Seniors' Group
Seniors' Group runs on the last Thursday every month. I would love to have a little rota with one or two helpers each week, to help service refreshments. If you would be willing, please let me know: Lee.athwal1@virginmedia.com or 07989 599890
2.30pm to 4pm Last Thursday of the month
27th March
24th April
29th May
26th June
31st July
28th August
25th September
30th October
27th November
18th December
Join us for cake, tea/coffee, fun and games and meeting friends.
Repair Cafe
Dates for 2025 at Tonbridge Methodist Church
10am to 12.30pm
Wednesday 9th April
Wednesday 4th June
Saturday coffee and chat
Please note that coffee, tea and biscuits are now served at our church every Saturday morning, from 9.30am to 11am.
Please come and join us. There is no charge and all are welcome.
Monday prayer meeting
A prayer meeting takes place every Monday at 4-4.30pm in the Church - all very welcome.
Please send any prayer requests to Lynne via: tonbridgemethodistchurch1990@gmail.com
Repair Cafe
St Stephen's Church 10am - 12.30pm Last repair accepted at 12.00pm or when capacity has been reached.
FREE - voluntary contribution welcome
ENJOY - refreshments at the St Stephen's Cafe
Saturday 8th March
Saturday 12th April
Saturday 10th May
Circuit Prayer Meeting - 15th March 2025 10am - 12pm Tonbridge Methodist Church
The power of praying together for the future of our circuit!
Worship time: a time to worship the Lord together
Quiet space: take time to hear from the Lord in a dedicated quiet area
Prayer spaces - choose different spaces to pray for: the Circuit, the staff, the churches, new housing developments AND the Vision for the way forward.
Our day starts with worship at 10am. If you need to go before the morning concludes, please leave a note of any message or impression you feel the Lord has given you during this time. Your insights and experiences are valuable and cherished.
Refreshments will be available.
Beatles Tribute Concert
29th March 2025 at 6pm
United Emmanuel Church, 1 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells
Jam Music School presents a roof raising Beatles show, raising money to help repair our beloved church's roof - come and support us!
Adults £10
Children £5
Under 5's free
Tenemos St Cecilia Baroque Players
Saturday 22nd March 2025 7.30pm
St Nicholas Church, Sevenoaks, Kent
Tickets £20 (£10 students) book online from www.ticketsource.co.uk or 01959 523765 or visit Sevenoaks Bookshop.
Tickets also available on the door.
If you are receiving or would like to receive this newsletter by email, please ensure that you have completed one of our GDPR forms. If you are unsure whether you have completed one, please contact the church secretary at tonbridgemethodistchurch1990@gmail.com If you have not completed one yet, your details may be removed from the weekly mailout when we next update our records. Forms can be obtained from the church office or by contacting tonbridgemethodistchurch1990@gmail.com
Thank you.
Bible reading in Church
Would you like to become one of our regular readers in Church? The readers' rota is for a quarter at a time and you would be called to read a couple of times during that quarter. If you would like to be included, please contact Joanne at tonbridgemethodistchurch1990@gmail.com
Carers Support group
Are you caring for somebody with dementia, memory loss or other cognitive issues. If you would like to meet others experiencing the same challenges please join us.
Carers Support Group
1st Friday of every month at Angel Indoor Bowls, Ave Du Puy, Tonbridge Club 2pm to 3.30pm.
Free refreshments.
For more details tel: Chris Parker 07887 553467
Angel Indoor Bowls Club Memory Cafe
Every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at 2.30 - 4pm
Open to anyone living with dementia memory loss or other cognitive issues.
Data Protection - A gentle reminder to us all that we are not to give out other people's telephone numbers, addresses or e-mails without their permission. Please also remember that if you hold very old church lists with data on, these should be shredded.
Church notices
Please send any items of church life, meetings, news and events for these weekly notices to: katherinehampton@spuc.org.uk by Thursday, thank you.