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Lent Groups 2017- Staying Close- a Lent Course exploring intimacy with God- all are welcome- why not make this a priority this Lent?


  • Southborough Methodist Church: Mon. afternoons, 2-3.30pm

    • 6th Mar, 13th Mar, 20th Mar, 27th March, 3rd April, 10th April


  • Tonbridge Methodist Church: Mon. and Tues evenings,7.30- 9pm.

    • Mon 6th Mar, Tues 14st Mar, Tues 21st Mar, Mon 27th Mar, Tues 4th April, Tues 11th April


Please do come along and join us. I’d be grateful if you could write your name on the sheets provided at the back of the churches or send me an email/tel to let me know you are able to come along, this is so that we know for numbers for the booklets (we will ask for donations of £5ish per booklet if possible), thanks.

If you can make some evenings and some afternoons please do feel free to mix and match.


The Staying Close study course explores how we might grow closer to God in and through various aspects of our ordinary daily life. Each session includes reflection on a Bible passage, discussion questions, stories, illustrations, activities, prayers and suggestions for action.

Rev Sharon

Toast Club

On 22nd February a new team from our Church are beginning Toast Club!


This will be held on Wednesdays after school during term-time from 3.15 (ish) until 4.30pm in the Wesley Room at Tonbridge Methodist Church.


We have thought for a long time about having the church open after school as there are so many people passing by our doors- it is great we can now offer this. Primary school children can attend with their parents/carers, there may also be some secondary school pupils who go by and may drop in or those who live nearby.


Toast with marmalade, jam, marmite, spread etc will be available plus drinks, as well as a few games around for a chill out time after school.


Please do spread the marmalade …I mean word… and also if you would like to be on a rota to help please do let Sharon know, even if you can help once in a while. 

Jigsaw/Book Stalls

For eight months of the year, January to April and September to December, the Church holds a jigsaw/book stall. 


They are held on Saturday mornings, usually the first of the month, from 10.00 to 11.30am.  All items cost 50p and proceeds go to Christians Caring, a charity which runs two clubs a week for disabled people at the Baptist Church. 


The stalls are very well supported and in 2016 the eight stalls together raised £1,355.00.  The money raised has been used to purchase equipment and to help towards the cost of transport for visits.


The stalls are always sociable occasions as the coffee bar is open. 

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