special services
Three of the most important services we provide are Weddings, Baptisms and Funerals - please see below for more information

We are delighted that you are thinking about getting married. We would love to be part of your big day. You don't need to be a Methodist to get married in a Methodist Church but you will be asked why you want to get married in church.
A church marriage is a solemn Christian ceremony, with prayers and Bible readings reflecting Christian understanding of what marriage is about. It is celebrated as a gift of God. In a marriage ceremony, you will make a public declaration of lifelong commitment to love, honour and care for each other, in the presence of witnesses - your friends and family.
The minister will visit you both at home and talk about the arrangements so that it can be your special day.
You will not have your banns read out in a Methodist Church, however, as part of the legal process, prospective marriage partners will need to go to the local Registry Office.
If you have been divorced -the Methodist Church is generally willing to marry people who have been divorced, as long as there are not any obvious reasons why it would be inappropriate to do so.
Service of Thanksgiving - this is a service for those who wish to renew their marriage vows perhaps after a difficult time or to make an important anniversary.
Blessing Service - this is a service for those who were married in a civil ceremony and who later wish the blessing of that marriage in an act of Christian worship.
Contact Rev Kirsty McGhee 01732 365395 tonbridgemethodistchurch1990@gmail.com

If you would like to have your child baptised (often called Christened) please contact the minister who will arrange to visit you. This is an informal 'get to know you' visit where you can find out more about the service of Baptism and ask any questions
The service of Baptism takes as its starting point, parents' own commitment to the Christian faith. During the service you will be asked to:
- declare your belief and trust in God
- make promises to bring your child up within the Christian faith
- make a commitment to practice the Christian faith yourself, by attending Church regularly, praying and living a God centred life.
Clearly it is important to decide whether you and your Godparents can make these promises and answer the questions truthfully.
Service of Thanksgiving - if you decide Baptism is not the path you wish to pursue, the church can offer a Service of Thanksgiving which is an opportunity to say 'thank you' to God for your child without you having to make promises which you may not feel able to keep.
Adult Baptism Service - this is also available and would normally include Confirmation and Reception into Membership.
Children are welcome at all services at our Church. Please don't be embarrassed if they make a noise. There is a book box in the corner of the church if needed.
Contact Rev Kirsty McGhee 01732 365395

Family and close friends are faced with many decisions when a loved one dies. It can be a stressful and difficult time. Christians believe that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ gives them hope and cause for thanksgiving in the face of death. In this faith, we entrust those who have died to the infinite mercy and love of God.
One of the first decisions to be made is where to hold the funeral. You don't need to come to church to hold a funeral here or to ask the minister to preside at a funeral. Funerals can be held here at the church with a service at the graveside or the crematorium, or just at the crematorium or graveside.
The minister is able to help you plan the service and most importantly is able to provide ongoing pastoral support after the service should it be needed. It is good to be able to talk through the wishes of the deceased and your own personal preferences to create an appropriate and personal way of saying goodbye to a loved one. Friends and family can take part in the service which can also include music, readings, poems and a personal tribute written by you and the family or created from your memories by the minister. Unlike the crematorium, there is no time limit to the service and the church can seat 150 comfortably. The minister will need to meet with you to discuss the best way to celebrate the life of your loved one.
Burial of Ashes - at an appropriate time, a service for the burial of ashes can be provided.
Memorial Service - an annual Memorial Service is held at the church to which those who have recently been bereaved are invited to light a candle in memory of their loved ones.
Friends Together - a bereavement support group meets for lunch on the third Friday of each month at the church.
Contact Rev Kirsty McGhee 01732 365395