Some key information about the church…..
When and where does the church meet? (plus parking)
We meet each Sunday and at various times during the week at Tonbridge Methodist Church (TN10 4JG) with entrances on Higham Lane (small car park) and Hunt Road (larger car park) (There is also on-road parking close by).
The main Sunday service times are:
10.30am Morning Worship (Junior Church - see Newsletter)
9.00am Holy Communion (occasional see Newsletter)
Friends @ 4 (Messy Church) once a term - see Newsletter
What should I expect when I visit a service? What happens to children at church? Do I have to join in? When can I visit?
9.00am Holy Communion - this is a quiet reflective service, usually following words in a book. There is no singing or music. The service lasts for 30 minutes. Worshippers are all invited to the front to kneel/stand and receive bread and wine or a blessing. There are usually between 15 and 25 people attending.
10.30am Morning Worship - we stay together for the whole time and sing, watch video clips, hear readings from the Bible, have quizzes- all around a theme. Music is led by the Music Group and organ.
Junior Church is a time for children and young people to have their own group and activities. We all come together once more usually towards the end of the service.
Once a month we hold Holy Communion - worshippers are welcomed forward to a rail where they can kneel or stand to receive wafers (gluten free wafers also available) and wine or to receive a blessing. All are invited to share in bread and wine who are on a journey of faith with Jesus. A steward directs when people should move forward to the rail. Children are welcome to receive communion or a blessing- this is a family decision and Rev Sharon would be pleased to talk with you if you would like about this.
The services above sometimes include a Baptism (Christening) - the Baptism forms part of the worship- friends and family of the baptism party remain for the whole service as it is all linked to the Baptism. (please see more detail in the Baptism section of the website under General).
There are usually between 40 and 50 people attending 10.30 services.
You can also participate in the majority of our 10.30am services via Zoom - see the link on the Home page.
When you arrive at Church you will be welcomed by a door steward - please do make yourself known to them. You will be invited to go in to the church- please do sit anywhere you will feel most comfortable - there are no reserved seats (except sometimes for Baptisms).
At 10.30am the service begins with a welcome from a steward or from the Minister. Sometimes the service is led by a Local preacher. The person leading the service will guide everyone through.
At all the services words for songs are provided either in a book and quite often on the screens.
There is an offering at most services - a collection plate will be on the signing in desk - you can also pay by card.
In terms of when to stand up, when to sit down etc. it wouldn’t matter if you were doing the opposite of everyone else! However the rule of thumb is to stand for singing, and at other times as requested by the person leading the service.
At the end of each 10.30am service refreshments are served in the Wesley room. Please do stay if you are able.
There is no dress code at Church. Some wear jeans, others wear shirt and tie - we are a mixed bunch! We want each person who comes to Church to feel welcome and comfortable - please join in with as much or as little as you like.
Please do come along to any of the services at any time- you’d be most welcome.
If you have further questions please contact Rev Kirsty at tonbridgemethodistchurch1990@gmail.com and she’ll get back to you asap.