What's on at tmc
9.15-11.30 Pilates in the Large Hall - contact owenchristine10@googlemail.com
2.00-4.00 Keep Phytt - contact info@keepphytt.co.uk
2.30-4.30 Involve Postural Stability - contact involvekent.org.uk
4.00-5.00 Prayer Group in the Church - contact tonbridgemethodistchurch1990@gmail.com
7.30-9.30 12th Guides contact - alir.guides@hotmail.co.uk
10.00-2.30 Baby Yoga in the Large Hall - contact www.bookwhen.com/hannahyogatonbridge
10.00-12.00 WEA Group in the Wesley room - contact wea.tonbridge@gmail.com
4.00-8.00 Tonbridge Performing Arts - contact tonbridgeperformingarts123@gmail.com
7.15-8.15 Pilates in the Wesley room - contact Debbie 07766108102 debbeadle@yahoo.co.uk
7.15-10.15 NTWI 3rd Tues of the month
8.30-2.00 FEAST contact - www.feast.org.uk
3.00-5.00 TOAST club
5.00-6.15 Rainbows - contact alir.guides@hotmail.co.uk
6.00-7.30 13th Cubs - contact highamwoodcubs@sky.com
7.45-9.30 Air Scouts contact - chris@17thairscouts.org.uk
10.30-12.30 Musical Memories Choir 1st and 3rd Thursdays - contact Richard 07914 812068/01732 770735
9.15-11.30 Pilates in the Wesley room - contact Debbie 07766108102 debbeadle@yahoo.co.uk
2.00-4.00 KARF 3rd Thursdays
2.30-4.00 Senior Group (last Thursday of the month) - contact tonbridgemethodistchurch1990@gmail.com
4.30-5.30 Squirrels -contact hazelfoster@sky.com
6.00-7.30 13th Brownies - contact alir.guides@hotmail.co.uk
7.00-9.00 Tuneless Choir 2nd and 4th Thursdays - contact tonbridge@tunelesschoir.com
7.45-9.15 13th Guides - contact alir.guides@hotmail.co.uk
8.00-9.30 Rangers 2nd and 4th Thursdays - contact alir.guides@hotmail.co.uk
9.00-10.00 Pilates in the Large Hall - contact owenchristine10@googlemail.com
10.15-11.15 Paracise in the Large Hall - contact sharon@paracise.com 07736 641033
11.30-1.45 Keep Phytt - contact info@keepphytt.co.uk
11.30-2.00 Friends Together 3rd Fridays - contact tonbridgemethodistchurch1990@gmailcom
4.00-6.00 Youth 'Drop in' - contact Kate Walker tmccommlead@gmail.com
9.30-11.00 Jigsaw and book sale 1st Saturday of the month from September
9.30-11.30 Tonbridge Performing Arts - contact tonbridgeperformingarts123@gmail.com
9.30-11.30 Saturday Coffee and Chat - contact tonbridgemethodistchurch1990@gmail.com
4.00-6.00 Friends@four bi-monthly - contact tonbridgemethodistchurch1990@gmail.com